Although I started as an Art Director, it wasn’t until I changed disciplines and took to the typewriter (on the advice of a particularly perspicacious Creative Director) that I really found my feet. Not to mention the key to my future.
I have been lucky enough to work for various very different agencies (Valin Pollen, Masius, Arc, GGK, Tangible (CCHM), amongst others, I co-ran a very successful agency in Soho (The McWilliams Partnership, with writer and creative partner John McWilliams) and I continue to work with John at Brandpool, as Joint Creative Director.
Having freelanced at many agencies and worked direct to clients too, I’ve covered most disciplines, so my folio encompasses a fair bit of everything…
…from big budget brand TV and radio to daytime DRTV hard sell, from national press and poster campaigns to carefully targeted DM pieces, from e-zines for high-profile professionals, to emails for local shopping centres, from websites for growing businesses, to design and tone of voice guidelines for new consultancies.
Launching the brand to the UK consumer audience, and B2B ads to the corporate audience.
Launching a revolutionary new insurance company to the consumer market – a refreshingly different look, for a refreshingly different company.
Creating and launching a new beer to celebrate England’s World Cup victory, and promote Bo66y – The Movie.
'Raise a glass...' Art Director and Writer Chris Hill. 'They drink it all over...', 'Here's to a hero...' Art Director Chris Hill, Writer John McWilliams.
A series of topical ads to acknowledge the phenomenal success of the restaurant launch.
Bringing the vital new helpline to public attention – with posters, press a 26 million leaflet drop.
‘Car-porn’ press ads, to introduce petrol-heads to the most exclusive E-types money can buy.
Making the world aware that there’s far more to IBM than producing PCs – and taking the opportunity to put their experts, rather than their boxes, in the spotlight.
Creating a distinctive new marketing tool to help a hot new business agency tell their story to new staff and clients. Produced in collaboration with illustrator Steve Harris.
An ‘e-zine’ to keep football managers up to speed with the latest developments in the game, and make them aware of the benefits being a member of the association brings.
Finding a credible way of talking about a usually taboo subject – death – for a quirky new life insurance company.
Reminding the target market that there’s only one publication that really offers the whole package.
Art Director Chris Hill, Writer John McWilliams.
B2B advertising to the medical profession for a specialist financial services supplier.
Posters using the distinctive brand name to reinforce the benefits of the key proposition. Part of a campaign featuring DRTV, press, direct mail and a mainstream TV campaign that won numerous marketing awards.
Finding a way of taking the brand TV property – the nasty bank manager, who actually represents the opposition - into press and posters that retain a positive brand message.
Creating a new brand strategy for a growing pub company, and developing it through to a new web presence and staff communications.
Developing a unique positioning for a new, New Zealand law firm – and translatingthe theme into client communications, staff information, brochures, and all collateral.
Making customers aware of the benefits of the country’s first high speed train service. An award winning launch campaign featuring press, posters, radio and TV.
Art Director Chris Hill, Writer John McWilliams.
A fun campaign, alerting passengers to simplicity of using Metro with an Oyster card.
Art Director Chris Hill, Writer John McWilliams.
Helping a specialist wealth management company speak to potential clients in language they understand.
Acknowledging that students and their parents tend to view travel, not to mention insurance, somewhat differently. Designed for Halls of residence.
An ambient campaign, based on a Government initiative. Featuring a specially created brand, to bring home to young people, in a familiar environment, the message that they really need to think about saving for their future – before it’s too late.
A complete new positioning for a group of shopping centres – establishing a new look and feel, and creating a distinctive attitude and tone of voice. Encompassing everything from digital communications to retail posters and in-store displays.
Posters and press extolling the benefits of reading the Times supplements – covering education, higher education and literature.
Art Director Chris Hill, Writer John McWilliams.
Taking the opportunity, while launching Virgin Atlantic’s new route to Hong Kong, to have a little dig at BA. Press posters and radio. Gold Campaign winner at the Travel Awards.
Art Director Chris Hill, Writer John McWilliams.
A regular series of cartoons, running in Private Eye, linking topical news to Witan’s services – rewarding the target audience for their attention with a smile.
Persuading parents that it’s well worth putting a little by for their offspring – by talking to them in language that shows a little empathy for their situation – and treats them as human beings, not just potential investors. Winner of DMA gold for copywriting.