As far as your actual 'at goes, I have but one - a stetson bought in a frivolous moment at a wild west theme park in deepest Devon (where else?)
When it comes to metaphorical hats, though, I have a fair few - which is why my new website - looks the way it does.
Although for many years I've made a living from advertising and marketing, that's not really what defines me - there are lots of other areas of endeavour that make me who I am. So, I was keen to bring them all together, to give a more rounded picture of who I am, and what I do.
Whenever asked the dread question 'So what do you do then?' (usually withing the first 2 minutes of making a new acquaintance) I find it hard to answer.
Depends what day it is really...
Some days I'm at a keyboard writing ads or TV scripts, some days I might be writing DM or a bit of web copy. I could always be working as a creative strategist with a design company I collaborate regularly with, or I could be finishing off a sit-com or a bit of stand-up. Of course, I might not be doing any of that at all, because I'm either locked in a recording studio, or off booking gigs for a band.
Or musing over the Guardian cryptic with a nourishing pint of Guinness in hand...
For me, I need all these things to make life interesting - and I hope they are what makes me an interesting bloke to have around.
If you've got any creative projects you'd like some help on, please feel free to give me a shout - whatever field you're in.
And talking of fields, I've just realised I do actually own a second titfer.
It's a fishing hat.
So if you haven't got any work, but fancy standing in a field near a lake or a river wheedling out the odd trout, feel free to call me about that, too.